A garden wedding would be most appropriate but the church building back home lacks the artistic design but somehow we have to work around that to create the ambiance. Anyway, it's my sister in law to be wishes and since it’s planned for the end of the year, probably after Christmas so there will be plenty of time to work out the details.
Point to ponder though...been spending a bit of time looking at wedding magazines just to get some ideas yet what struck me again was the irony of all the pomp and grandeur placed on the Day yet looking at the way marriage is trivialize is kind of sad. I'm sure nobody wants their marriage to end in divorce (I'm sure when two people fall in love, plans to get married, divorce is definitely not part of the plan and for an old fashion person like me I don't believe in divorce except for immoral and abusive situations) yet one cannot deny that marriage at large is not as sacred as it was intended to be especially in the period we are living in.
Anyway, I think I have reached a point in my life where 'I have been tamed' to a certain degree to be able to say and acknowledge that love and marriage is something risky yet with an assurance that if built on the RIGHT foundation (God's agape love) and if both work hard at it will last a lifetime. Perhaps I'm idealistic when it comes to this because I have this picture in my mind...to grow old together with the one you have committed yourself to and who does the same to you to become like two strong and tall trees growing side by side through the test of time! Dream on, Runa! Well...probably that's the reason why I'm still single but am contented with life given to me though I won't likely make a good marriage counselor. I just hope my brother dearest and sister in law to be would have the wedding and married life they hope for.
So, I suppose I will just help them in the planning of the wedding (especially the concept and food) and buy books that can help them and give some constructive 'pastoral' advices on human relationships if they ever ask me for them. But above all I hope it will be joyous and meaningful occasions for everyone involved, not too stressful but a time to get to know others better in the process. Well, Lord...I know You will be there to celebrate the time with us even as we give you the most prominent and important place during that time and I pray even as my brother and his wife to be makes their home with You their lives together will be blessed by You always. Amen. Talk about being a nervous bride...here I am actually the nervous sister of the groom. How cool is that!
29th December 2007, the day that we in the family had been anticipating all year long finally happened! It was the first wedding in our family. My number four sibling got married to the girl of his choice and I can really see God's blessing upon the day. Of course, the days that led to that day were filled with anxieties and flurry of activities but somehow that brought us closer as a family. I was forced to act as MC for the wedding ceremony at a small town church which we (the sisters and others from both sides of the family) had transformed into a sort of a garden ambiance the night before.
When I saw my mum and dad all dressed up for the ceremony I can't help but felt proud that finally they are able to see one of their offspring getting married. I think they will not nag me about settling down since I'm the eldest in the family as much as they used to. The simple church wedding was very meaningful because it was a testimony from my brother and her bride that they are taking their relationship very seriously.
The presence of the three pastors we know as friends made it more meaningful as one officiated the wedding, another preached a lovely sermon on how to develop and maintain a lasting relationship and another ministered through prayers. I sighed a sigh of relief after the bride and groom marched out after being officially announced, by me as MC, as husband and wife and proceeded to greet guests and sit for a high tea.Later that evening we proceeded to a hotel in the city for the wedding reception dinner and again I had to MC the event. I will always remember the pride that swelled in my heart when the couple marched into the ballroom as the newly wed. It was a lovely evening to remember and once again after everything is over I sighed a sigh of relief.
Finally I can get over the anxious feelings of whether or not everything will turn out well. Everything went quite well with a few minor hitches here and there yet its nice to know that God's blessing is always there. Again, the whole event just reminded me that its not really the wedding ceremony with all the pomp and glamor that is the essence of the whole affair but it is in the grind of the actual married life afterwards.
No wonder I still choose to be single! Thinking about getting married is quite a challenge at this age especially when I have become so comfortable at being independent. After being on my own for almost twenty years its no wonder that every time I see myself being married I get a little bit anxious as questions like...will it be easy or difficult to accommodate to someone else's personality, will I have enough 'space' to myself, will I be able to love and accept despite of this and that ... and the questions goes on and on.
Yet, the desire to be married to the person who also desire the same lasting relationship is still strong. I suppose it was meant to be and I suppose that one just have to make good and wise decisions when it comes to this kind of relationship to minimize the risk of ending up in a bad or broken relationship. Oh well, I can at least enjoy my brother's wedding day through the photos and remind myself that being married or not I have chosen to maximize my life as a single and celibate person!
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