Thursday, September 18, 2008

The journey so far...

Looking back at the last 26 years I have been on this journey of faith I marveled at the freshness and newness of the love of my Creator God who is also Father, Redeemer and Counselor that has lovingly and faithfully nurture me and brought me up to who I am today.

I might be growing weary every now and then as this body aged but its His perfect, unconditional love that keeps me journeying. Many, many years ago I was just an awkward, timid and uncertain teenager but when He become real to me as the God from whom I have my existence there was no turning back but a forward journey.

A journey that is slowly but surely leading me to the destiny that I was meant to fulfilled even before I was knitted together in my mother's womb. A journey that has seen me growing from someone that had no real meaning in life to a person who is passionate about making the most of life, not in a selfish, self gratifying way but in a way that God can unfold His higher purposes through me.

My sense of calling also has become more define over the years and that is to help in raising a generation of children and young people that would know and experience God as the Father, Redeemer and Counselor and they in turn do the same to the next generation.

It is a broad spectrum of work but I know that He has given me the gift of His father heart to fulfill this calling. Also I am sensing that it is not only to children and young people but also to anyone who needs to experience God's healing touch.